mission, vision and values
The mission of AmbTu is to advise, support and train people in social enterprises and organisations in the Social and Solidarity Economy regarding the processes of obtaining public and private funds (subsidies, grants and awards), and the management thereof, in order to contribute to the economic and financial viability of their projects and activities. Our mission consequently contributes to optimising the public funds allocated to obtaining a positive social impact.
The vision of AmbTu is to transform society towards a society based on people and global justice. To achieve this, we promote the long-term existence of companies and organisations that seek this transformation.
AmbTu is governed by the following values and principles, which are necessary to progress towards the achievement of a fair and sustainable economic system:

Global justice
We are committed to justice aimed at creating the conditions necessary to achieve an egalitarian society, fostered based on an ecological, ecofeminist, democratic and fairer economy.

Gender equality
We demand a model of society that questions the heteropatriarchal system and power relations, and which moves away from the sexual division of labour on which it is based.

Environmental, social and economic sustainability
We favour economic development linked to the sustainability of life, taking into account natural resources, quality of life, people’s rights and needs and the technical and economic viability of projects.

Redistribution of wealth
We promote business initiatives aimed at serving people, which are committed to the community, create decent employment and distributing resources better.

Efficiency and quality
We optimise existing resources while offering the best service in both the technical and human facets, providing personalised solutions and adding value to professionals in social enterprises.

We are members of the Federation of Worker Cooperatives of Catalonia, a movement based on principles and values, which includes more than 4,000 enterprises in Catalonia and more than a million people around the world.

Since this year, we are part of COOPSETÀNIA, the cooperative ateneo of Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès, Anoia, and Garraf. We have joined as a participating entity, collaborating with this ateneo of the Penedès region to contribute to promoting the value of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in the area, fostering spaces for inter-cooperation, and offering training to organizations to increase their level of professionalism.
We annually evaluate our entity through the social balance, an accountability tool and a measure of social, environmental and good governance impact implemented by the XES. In this way, we make public, internally and externally, the evaluation of our entity in terms of democracy, equality, environmental commitment, social commitment, labor quality and professional quality. You can check the results of the last year by clicking on the icon!
funding and partnerships
Barcelona City Council

Youth Guarantee Programme of the Ministry of Labour of the Government of Catalonia

30 Plus Programme of the Ministry of Labour of the Government of Catalonia

Outstanding Projects by the Ministry of Labour of the Government of Catalonia

Barcelona Provincial Council

Seira Fundation

AmbTu, committed to the 2030 Agenda

AmbTu supports our clients so that through its projects with a high social impact, we move together towards the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN in 2015 which ultimately aim to build a better world. The work of AmbTu is directly focused on SDG 8 – “Decent work and economic growth”. This specifically relates to on the following targets:
– Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation.
– Support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and promote the establishment and growth of micro, small and medium enterprises.
– Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment.